Sketchbook for Quesnel

sketchbook for Quesnel Show

Midnight notes from sketchbook. The word spelacti most prominent. ???

Artist at the crack of dawn. Apr. 22, 2011 No sleep, no coffee, no oxygen, no shower. A long week of care giving very sick spouse and computer induced coma. Not capable of formulating any thoughts, pervy or otherwise.
Note to self...
1. Learn to write and speak again in no particular order.
2. Get off your behind because you are behind!
3. Remember the world just seems to carry on whether you are there or not.
4. Eat breakfast, drink water, wash hands.
5. Choose only one person to nag today. The rest will get a turn in time.
6. Go for a big, long walk and take in the sweet air and the blossoms. Bring allergy drugs.
7. Think something pervy about someone unlikely. Examples include the grocer, the old lady next door or the nasty little toad at the bank.
8. Unplug the phone, slam shut the computer, plug your ears, shut your eyes and make waawaa noises when people are speaking.
9. Haul out your sketch book and decipher the latest midnight inspiration. The word "speclati" must mean something. ????
10. Remember Newfy advice..."Ya lives til ya dies my darlin' ".