
Material Witness will focus on extreme textile process. Images will be posted here showing the history of my work, new work, developing projects and inspiration.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Home Again

Powell Books in Portland. No credit for photo because I couldn't find one!

Tim and I drove home from the middle of the Oregon Coast today. Nine hours non stop driving in our trusty but questionable van. Rained like a pig all day so it was a cool drive home. I can't describe how strange it is waking up looking over the waves of Oregon and falling to sleep in my own little cubby.

The van was full of art supplies and great books that we mostly purchased in Portland. I love Portland! We always meet really lovely, kind people there. The Powell Bookstore is there with miles and rooms full of books that you always wanted and forgot to buy. The bestest seafood by far is there and so are the most wonderful chefs. I never feel unusual there. People are tall, blond and big.

We treated ourselves to everything. Last night the dinner was at the the Blackfish Cafe in Lincoln. I had a duck breast on a white cheddar sage rissoto
on a bed of white cabbage, port and apples dressed with walnuts from the area.
The sauce was made from local huckleberries. Tim had a meal of fresh local scallops, on a wilted spinach and argula on a special rice. We moaned through every bite. The night before we ate a local everything chowder and home baked bread. We also ate something that was called "tres leche cake" which was rather like breast feeding from the Goddess herself!

I learned how to make needle lace from an older woman at the Portland Museum of Craft and was taken into the back rooms after identifying some of the artists. Barbara Cohen and Sharmini both have work in the shop. Ken Shore had an incredible show of his ceramics and feather work. The local high schools had a really wonderful show of student work.

There were California sea lions everywhere basking on all the beaches. Pelicans were migrating and making lots of crash dives in attempts to fish. The beaches were still a little chilly but the weather was really comfortable.

The only downside was my eyes. They hurt in the sunlight and things go bright white without definition. I have lost the ability to read street signs and had a nasty time crossing the street if Tim wasn't with me.

So I drew with big charcoals and contes and made plans for my students and got enough inspiration for the summer. Waxes were purchased for forming negatives and positives. I have decided to learn to feel my way through things and to figure out how to do some work before the eye surgery. A big thanks to Dale Chihuly for taking on art with a sight impairment. He does amazing stuff with one eye and still works with hot things.

So Joseph and Young will get a much bigger practicum than any of my other students have ever had. Joseph really proved himself and his abilities last week.
He worked like a trooper and only complained at the appropriate times. He also taught me how to weave with yarn he makes from Tim Horton's bags. Young starts this week and is also working with Leslie Richmond.

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