
Material Witness will focus on extreme textile process. Images will be posted here showing the history of my work, new work, developing projects and inspiration.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Skins and Grasslands.

Lichen Photograph Stephen Langton Goulet

I have been working on a series of animal skins for a project called "Eden Skins" which has grown out of the explorations from "Sordid Details". It really has come full circle and seems more integrated with the other textile and emotional explorations.

Sometimes collaboration allows for work that flows seamlessly and other times it is boggy and complicated. The "Sordid Details" project was like that. Completion of the project has been impossible because of the blocks and stalls. The work was being produced in some ways to communicate what others felt and desired. I attempted to interpret that and it didn't really work. Each piece related to personal feelings was easy to accomplish. Each personal piece has evoked strong emotion from others. A lesson here.

One of the challenges in creating over the last few years is medical interference. Lots of the prescription drugs used in treating breast cancer are hormonally based. I spent time on steroids and painkillers and drugs that distorted every part of my personality. "Eden Skin" is a reclamation of what is elemental. Coming off drugs has allowed my creative energy to return. It has allowed me to crawl back into my own "Eden Skin" for a little while.

My ex- husband, Stephen Langton Goulet, is a wonderful photographer and artist. He moved back to his roots on the prairies a year or so ago. I snoop on his blog occassionally and have been blown away by his "Grassland Series".
The best part of my connection with Stephen was that he gave me my son , Dane Jordan, aka Bird apres, the musician.

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