
Material Witness will focus on extreme textile process. Images will be posted here showing the history of my work, new work, developing projects and inspiration.

Thursday, March 8, 2012


Barry celebrates in full colour! Holi 2012. Pictures stolen shamelessly by me.

A beautiful full moon lit my walk home from dinner last night. Bright and clear. Shimmering and exaggerating every surface.

Have been playing in full colour. Planning a community natural dye workshop in Wells. Was approached about doing it a few days ago. A whole forest providing my dye supplies. Still have a couple months to prepare.

Digging into my beautiful India Flint book on natural dyes and responsible methods. And every other natural dye book I can find. Suggestions are always welcomed.

Colour has even been occupying my dreams. I dreamt my darling friend Barry was covered in colour. He is in India having real adventures. The celebration of Holi is happening right now.
He sent this delightful image.

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