
Material Witness will focus on extreme textile process. Images will be posted here showing the history of my work, new work, developing projects and inspiration.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Frozen Leaves and Foggy Mountains.

The season is turning fast. We just went up to the annual celebration in Wells called the Pig Roast at Danny and Lorraine's farm about four miles into the bush above Wells. There was snow on the ground. Snow!

Changing the walls in the "small talk Gallery" one more time before I close the doors for the winter. Winter will be here by October. Cold winter. So I am putting in a real furnace this week. Because I want to spend part of the winter here in sweet little Wells.

Husband Tim and my eldest son Dane are here helping pull things together. This is a help because I have had a slightly shocking struggle with my body this season. My cancer has decided to move into Stage 4. Treatment in the traditional sense is no longer available. No more radiation or traditional chemo therapy for now. Medication is only being used to hold the wayward cells from too developing quickly.

Funny thing is that I feel so very well! Better and happier than I have felt in years. Except I am a bit tired and weaker sometimes. Living a fairly moderate life seems to hold me up just fine. Not very moderate by nature.
I am creative and as productive as possible. Not in serious pain at all. My brain is working and all passions are intact. But there hasn't been enough extra to do some of the little things like writing in this little blog while running the gallery, teaching and making a little art.

I am so very lucky to have my wonderful family and friends. But sometimes they need to be reminded that I ain't close to dead yet!

Stay posted for my next series of work and inspiration.

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