
Material Witness will focus on extreme textile process. Images will be posted here showing the history of my work, new work, developing projects and inspiration.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Student Revolutions

Yesterday I had a studio visit from more than twenty students from the Capilano College Textile Arts Program. They were a wonderful group of young women who gave me the opportunity to show off my working space. The visit also gave me the opportunity to dig out from under my mess and rearrange a few things.

They had great questions about everyday life as a textile artist. I had to think about how I do things to be able to describe how I work.

How do I ventilate the space when I burn and do some of the more extreme process?

Well I open the huge windows in the studio and use a fan to blow out the bad air while creating a cross breeze by opening my other window. No it isn't as good as a super sucker ceiling fan. But I really want one.

How did I find space?

I think the best way is word of mouth. Ask everyone at galleries, openings, shops and guilds. Ask about unlikely spaces and don't get discouraged about being placed on a waiting list. I ended up waiting for two whole weeks before I landed my 500 square foot studio. I found my wonderful studio mate the same way.

How do I convert the space from workshop to gallery?

I have huge shelves that are converted to walls during showings. They are covered with plywood or MDF that is painted white and screwed in place to make great display walls. I throw my stuff behind walls created by bookshelves that are backed in the same stuff. Everything moves and is convertable. Trunks turn into benches. Books can be moved off the shelves and turn into display shelves. It works great and hides my many sins.

What benefits are there when working with other artists in a large shared studio space?

Lots of benefits including information and equipment sharing, stimulation and collaboration and meeting everyone's contacts.
We have someone who cleans the biffy and makes sure the place is mostly decent included in the cost. There is also larger equipment like ladders and dollys available and someone always has a skill that you don't.
I am in a space with lots of compatable people which means that there are nice people to tea and lunch with. Oh and lets not forget being invited to lots of shows and parties.

Do people share space or sublet?

Yep lots of artists travel and need to cover rent while away. Sometimes they get broke and need someone around for awhile to help cover costs.

There were lots of questions that I don't have enough room to cover here.

Jay Rudolph, my studio mate did a great presentation about her studio experience. She also showed people some of her new lace and weavings.
There is a new Ikat scarf I will trade my pop bottles for.

We had Tea and Bickies served by Jay Rudolph herself. Anthea, the teacher and my dear friend, gifted us with a beautiful amarylis and Melisa gave me a long yardage of hard edged black PVC. I got to see the student created clothing that nearly everyone was wearing and now have enough stimulation for a year.

I love Cap College students!

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