
Material Witness will focus on extreme textile process. Images will be posted here showing the history of my work, new work, developing projects and inspiration.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Crawl

I won't be participating at the Culture Crawl this weekend for the first time in a few years. Life has been far too dramatic and I am preparing for an important show in January. Not that the Culture Crawl isn't important but energy is short.

Hilary, my studio partner is pregnant with a little "Bon Bon"! We are all thrilled for Hil and Jim.
She won't be participating either.

I haven't had a chance to see all the beautiful work displayed at the Crawl for a few years. I am going to be "Crawling" with other locals to see what is up and who is doing what.

My studio is nearly unpacked from Wells and I am now ready to let go of lots of supplies. Too much stuff stifles my creativity. Too little makes me dismantle the curtains. I have way, way too much stuff and I want new stuff, like a fume table and a new heat press and a solar oven.

If you want stuff let me know because I have lots and lots of everything.

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