
Material Witness will focus on extreme textile process. Images will be posted here showing the history of my work, new work, developing projects and inspiration.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Looking Forward.

I have two more treatments.

Radiation is an amazing process.
Tiny beams have been blasted at my spine to destroy a little tumour that has been making movement challenging. The flares from the radiation and inflammation left me stunned. I was expecting some pain. Just not that pain. Last weekend was a challenge because my morphine was not on Mayne and I was.

I went to radiation support and pain management at the hospital and am now drugged up.
The new oncologist was very firm about making sure I manage the pain cycle. And that is was going to get worse before it got better. I know now. So I am a pill popping Mama.

I have these friends and this husband who show up in the early morning and late at night.
I love them so much for doing this. So much.

Trying to get a handle on the emotions pouring out of me and trying to hold in the panic.
Some of it drug induced and some of it real. Tim has a sixth sense and knows when to
just wrap himself around me. His patience. His calm. His emotional generosity.

I asked him how he managed to do this. He said, "Because you are still Patricia Chauncey."
Who needs a Valentine after that?

So I will jump up on the radiation spaceship table and trust.

There are times to be dependant and other times to give. I will relax and understand that needing help and support is all o.k.

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