
Material Witness will focus on extreme textile process. Images will be posted here showing the history of my work, new work, developing projects and inspiration.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Deluge and Downpour!!!

The Illuminaires Festival in Vancouver was nearly rained out by the sounds of it. People who were brave enough to attend in the monsoon that occured were rewarded by the sight of the Ascaphus Truei eggs collapsing. They became completely water logged according to observers and slumped under the weight of the water.

The poor organizers had to deal with the potential of fire because of the extremely dry weather in Vancouver and had prepared themselves. The fire marshall showed up and told the organizers they might have to avoid all of the electronics, fireworks and candles. The weatherman provided a great forecast and the weather decided to do it's own show. Thunder, lightening and a downpour like no one has seen in a long time.

The salmon eggs and the dark constellations survived the downpour but were only seen by a few people because most left the grounds after braving the deluge. I am waiting for pictures to be sent along. Soggy steamy pictures!!!

Planning for events is such a challenging process if they are outside. One never knows what the elements will bring.

This weekend the Wells Festival starts and Hilary and I will be giving Extreme textile workshops at the St. George's Church. Out in the grounds if the weather cooperates.
We can crowd into the church if it doesn't.

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