
Material Witness will focus on extreme textile process. Images will be posted here showing the history of my work, new work, developing projects and inspiration.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Woodpeckers and Sap Suckers

The most extraordinary natural phenomenon witnessed is the birch trees woodpeckers use for storage and sustenance. They drill holes in the silver bark. This leaves black pits. The black pits are created in a very linear fashion all over the tree. Each black pit is either planted with another seed or is left exposed to release blood red sap from the tree's core. The woodpeckers are coloured in exactly the same way the trees are.

Today Hilary and I are meeting to figure out a work plan for the next two months. I have been invited to take part in a number of shows that will be happening in galleries and lodges through the Sea to Sky Corridor.

The first set of photographs were sent to the curator this morning. They will be used for a series of digital projections by 9 artists to be shown on the walls of Callahan Lodge in a continuous and repeating loop. I had to work out a detailed artists statement relating to this new series of work. A more general one needs to be worked out to describe this series of work.I'd rather be doing the work than writing statements. They always feel extraneous to what I am trying to accomplish. An over explanation. Wouldn't it be nice if the work could just be named one, two or three and left to stand alone? Celine writes the best curatorial statement. Peter writes the best artist statement. I seem to get too juicy, flowery and wordy.

I am now working on a series of shows and workshops for the coming months. A number of these are collaborations. All with people I want to work with. Hilary, Krisztina, Vivian, Chris and Celine. Rushing anxiety hit me last night and Tim bore the brunt of it. Today I will work on plans and calendars and get people to help me. I can do this a little chunk at a time without having to resort to adrenalin rushes.

Now time to make my lunch, have a shower and discharge some moss green velvet.

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