Peeling paint
What a wonderful day! Bright, a little windy and chilly.
Didn't start out that way though.
I woke up late only to discover that hideous brown water was pouring from all my taps and the shower and toilet. Tim convinced me by phone to run all the taps to see if the water would clear.
It didn't until it had completely made the tub disgusting. I had to leave the house in 15 minutes with no way for a nice shower. I made myself as decent as possible using ice cold water when the tap finally cleared. Certainly glad I still had some water in the kettle to brush my teeth.
Scott and Celine picked me up for our inspiration date. Celine only arrived home from Indonesia yesterday and decided to come along too. We had breakfast of Jamaican Patties, Chai, and turkey baguettes and packed into the car for a drive to Britannia Beach and Squamish.
The sun was shining on the sea all the way from Vancouver to the Mine.
We decided to do a mine tour and ride the train underground. Marshall, the miner and guide, recognized me and introduced me to the other riders which took me completely off guard. He told everyone to go into my show. So nice. He has let me crawl around in there a few times now and get inspired. He does such a good tour of the mine because he worked as a miner there for years.
Scott crawled into all the nooks and corners he could find. His photographs must be exciting.
We went into see the show. I rely on these two to give me appropriate and honest feedback. Celine is a wonderful curator and has a strong relationship too and knowledge of my work.
Unfortunately the Museum has decided to save power and cut the illumination to my cases. They are trying to save money but... I know it is an unconventional space. It isn't really an art gallery but a museum. It has been a thrill to show in the space which is filled with old mine machines and equipment. Thousands of people saw the show through the summer and fall. Many more than any gallery would have done.
The cases, however, have been designed to have light to enhance the work. Celine pointed out that the cases really needed the light.
I am pleased that the work has been respected other wise and cared for. Thrilled that the staff have been so supportive and the volunteers are exceptional. I love the huge banners Krisztina made for me and the sandwich board is gorgeous. All the physical help with hanging the show.
It gets dismantled next week. I am really going to miss visiting it there. I could move right into the tunnels.
Scot, Celine an I had lunch at Gallelio's, a little coffee place on the highway at Britannia Beach, and laughed and for hours.
I got home to prepare the house for Hallowe'en.
Tomorrow I get the keys and to the new house and gallery. Tim gave it to me as a gift. And he is finally coming home!!!
Happy Hallowe'en!