
Material Witness will focus on extreme textile process. Images will be posted here showing the history of my work, new work, developing projects and inspiration.

Friday, July 6, 2007

Magic of Metamorphosis

Bombyx Party
Silk Worm Cocoons

Voracious Baby

I located a mulberry tree for my yard. Figaro's have three of them for $110 per tree.


It turns out that silk worms are voracious little pigs for insects. They exist only to eat and breed. Bombyx Mori are so domesticated that they will not even crawl over to their food. Exclusive menu is mulberry leaves. Soft , young ones. Hand delivered. They need to be fed four or five times a day and they throw used skins all over the cage. The little beauties do something called gut dump everytime they molt. Both ends.

The moths only live for a few days and don't eat or gut dump. Deformed little bodies can't even fly. All flutter and fluff. They mate, lay eggs and die.

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