
Material Witness will focus on extreme textile process. Images will be posted here showing the history of my work, new work, developing projects and inspiration.

Friday, February 15, 2008

All Wrapped Up

Embracing Judith Scott Artist holding her own work
Wrapped work by Judith Scott

Judith Scott has inspired me as a textile artist for years.

She died in 2005 after living the most remarkable life. She was born a twin and was inseparable from her sister. They even slept together. She had been sent to an institution at the age of seven and lived on a back ward for more than thirty years. Judith had Down's Syndrome and was also deaf and blind.
Many people with Down's Syndrome have enhanced musical and creative abilities. It wasn't clear what her mental capacities were but her dedication and obsession with creating was extraordinary. All of her abilities blossomed when she was given opportunity and materials.

Judith Scott wrapped things. She wrapped things and created the most concentrated and dense sculptures with her wrappings. She created day in and day out with an unknown purpose
but a dedication that few artists could ever match. She created large objects of affection and it was wondered if she was trying to recreate her lost twin.

She was eventually reunited with her sister. Judith became a celebrated artist and her work has shown all over the world. It is held in collections in the American Folk Art Museum in New York, Musee D'Art Brut, Lausanne Switzerland and the American Visionary Art Museum, Baltimore,Maryland.

I am deeply touched by her work and story and understand a little of her need for the repetative and rhythmatic approach to her creations. They vibrate with her energy.

There is a beautiful book by John MacGregor, Ph. D. Metamorphosis: The Fibre Art of Judith Scott, published by the Creative Growth Centre, 1999

The Web Page showing more about Judith Scott is www.judithscott.org/

1 comment:

Natalya Khorover Aikens said...

this is very interesting... thank you for sharing.