
Material Witness will focus on extreme textile process. Images will be posted here showing the history of my work, new work, developing projects and inspiration.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

New Bird Dream

The depth of winter enlivens my dreams. The quiet of the snow, the cool temperature of the room, the extra warmth from the blanket and the richer food contribute.

Last night I dreamt of my garden. I knew the weather was cold but I had to see what was still growing. I was digging around with a stick and noticed movement in the compost pile. Inspection revealed some interesting red and blue scraps of fabric. Almost fringes with a beautifully woven band.

I was feeling annoyed by the waste of the cloth and decided to pull it from the pile of rotting leaves. Bending over the fringe revealed life and movement. The leaves moved from off the cloth and revealed two Tibetan eagles in full ceremonial garb, The garb was deep blue red with a cobalt coloured fringe. It was a head piece, mask and body armour, all made from beautiful Tibetan brocade. The birds were content in the compost pile so I left them to move to the garden pond.

The garden pond was so much deeper than I remembered. It was clear and more like an underwater cave. I surfaced and found a rounded glass dome so I could see while I was diving.
I became a witness to the dive because a four year old boy was diving holding the dome in front of him. He and I were seperate but I could see from his eyes. He looked in amazement at everything in front of him. Not revealed but almost infinate in depth.

Two women with long, long black hair dived into the water to try and bring him out. They were wearing sari's and scarves. They were frantically trying to warn the boy of drowning. But they were in the water and just became another beautiful thing to look at with long floating hair and beautiful silks.

He kept going without fear. Deeper and deeper. Looking through his little viewing dome.

I wondered about the birds but they finally were flying overhead. I remembered that birds were always warning of death for me. It became clear that there would be nothing more powerful than this dream.

1 comment:

Natalya Khorover Aikens said...

you have the most vivid dreams... so glad you are recording them and sharing them, thank you... and thank you for your kind words on my blog...