
Material Witness will focus on extreme textile process. Images will be posted here showing the history of my work, new work, developing projects and inspiration.

Thursday, June 12, 2008


Joseph Dagsaan, one of my practicum students, and my partner Tim spent the day working like slaves to assemble the looms. They are now set up and functional in the gallery space in my studio. Tight fit!

Young Park, my other practicum student, came into the studio like a trooper after having a week full of feeling ill. She spent a shaky day at the embellisher experimenting with acrylic felts, old fabrics and creating a whole new silk roving felt embellished with lamb's wool. The texture of all of them and the ability to create texture and imagery is remarkable. She also showed me experiments with cheap, coloured nylon stockings, shibori tying, boiling and embellishing. The results were completely gorgeous. She spends a lot of her time thinking about uses for post industrial materials and post consumer products and disposables. She wonders why we are cherishing the work of artists when the work of skilled industrial textile workers gets completely taken for granted. Young is also working with Leslie Richmond.

Poor Young had to go home after a few hours because she was shaky and unwell. I hope she is able to make it this Friday because I really enjoy having her around. She has said that she would like to stay with me in the studio for awhile which is just great.

Sadly Joseph has to leave for a family holiday on Monday and won't be back for awhile. His priority is finding a job and a new apartment. He has earned himself forever loom rights for assembling the loom for me. He says he wants to spend more time in the studio after he gets a little more settled.

The relationship I have with practicum students always works for me. I love the energy and reminders of information and constantly learning from them. Each one has pumped up my art practise and strayed me into new and interesting forays.

Now the plan is to contact two of the other students who have expressed an interest in working with me. Capilano College had an excellent class of graduates this year. The textile world needs to pay attention and welcome them.


arlee said...

Geez i wish i could have had a practicum with you! Or met you at least!!!!!!

material witness said...

One day we can have a practicum together.