Tim took the pictures before his surgery. I point... he shoots. I growl and complain...he drives. I leap out of moving cars when inspired to do so...he slows down. He leads...I follow...I lead ...he follows.
Can't wait to get back to normal. Or the new normal.
Spiral Jetty Salt Lake, Utah 2010
Deteriorated oil can in Salt Lake, Utah 2010
Salt foam Salt Lake , Utah 2010
Bone and wing details Spiral Jetty, Utah 2010
Abandoned Bouy Spiral Jetty Salt Lake, Utah 2010
Dead kangaroo rat Salt Lake , Utah 2010
Salt, salt and more salt Salt Lake , Utah 2010
Detail Spiral Jetty Great Salt Lake, Utah 2010
Spiral Jetty Installation detail Salt Lake, Utah 2010
Bone and wing. Death in the Spiral Jetty Salt Lake Utah 2010
Bone on the beach near the Spiral Jetty 2010
Spiral Jetty, Installation Salt Lake, Utah
Me at moment of discovery of the amazing installation called the Spiral Jetty. I am so thrilled I am actually running over the rocks. Salt Lake, Utah. 2010
Jetty near Spiral Jetty Great Salt Lake , Utah 2010
Salt Pool near Spiral Jetty Salt Lake , Utah 2010
Mineral encrusted rock Spiral Jetty Salt Lake, Utah 2010
Miles and miles of salt. Great Salt Lake, Utah 2010
Jetty in great Salt Lake near Spiral Jetty Great Salt Lake, Utah 2010
Salt encrustation on the beach of Great Salt Lake near Spiral Jetty 2010
Lichen encrusted rock Spiral Jetty Salt Lake Utah 2010
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