
Material Witness will focus on extreme textile process. Images will be posted here showing the history of my work, new work, developing projects and inspiration.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Floating Things

My beautiful and talented niece, Brie, was supposed to show up for a little holiday tea at the studio yesterday. I forgot to confirm with her and she forgot to phone. We ended up having to postpone until next week.

I sat there with the organic, vegan holiday lunch looking at me when Vivian Bauman arrived bearing a delicious fruitcake and tea.

Vivian has been working as a costumer in both film and theatre for a few years and has skills that make me drool. She is also a "Prairie Girl" and has a wicked but subtle sense of humour.
She came to share some ideas she is exploring for costumes for an underwater scene.

I had the best time as we sat an played with ideas, alternate possibilities, materials and some of the more simple extreme techniques. She had already burnt edges in the most delicate way. Tidy, perfect and precise. She presented little ribbons of samples, all in white, that made it easy to see what else could be done. Possibility after possibility showed up in no time.

She showed me how to make a green screen suit. Green screen suits are used as invisible costumes for animation. The green doesn't show up when filmed with appropriate filters or something. Beautiful face masks, body suits and long gloves. Completely elegant but like some kinksters super hero costume. She always adds a little nasty bit like an extra ear, horn or tail nub or something to keep the crew a little more amused.

There is nothing like communicating with another creative person who shares a language. Each of us has very different skills but can talk textile without skipping a vowel. So I spent a productive afternoon with wonderful company and got to learn to use a thimble properly.

Thank you so much support that people sent me regarding the writer trauma. It was very appreciated!

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