
Material Witness will focus on extreme textile process. Images will be posted here showing the history of my work, new work, developing projects and inspiration.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Face Book

I set up a Face Book Account last night and have learned a few things.

1. People with very large, crazy families should think twice about using a real name.
2. People with a range of interest should expect a range of characters writing to them.
3. People who are techno peasants should understand that other people expect a lot from them.
4. People use funny things to send you funny things.
5. God can find you on-line! Even if you are an atheist.
6. Crazy people come from crazy families.
7. People you want to cuddle probably shouldn't be on the same Face Book list with your old Aunt. My aunts could shock anyone!
8. Your children will think you are spying on them.
9. You will think your children are spying on you.
10. Sometimes people remember you when you don't remember them.
11. Sometimes people remember you by naughty names and never did know your real name!
12. Sometimes people remember someone who has the same name as you. That is awkward!

Perhaps I will change my name to Priscilla Pluckwhistle and see what happens.


arlee said...

Those 12 points will still apply to Priscilla--you *know* somewhere *someone* knew her :}

Donna said...

thanks for the pointers -- Don't think social networking software is for me, but I get your list! I legally changed my last name several years ago (its a "made up" name). Its amazing who knows me by what name, and who thinks we must be related, and the like....

material witness said...

So your Granny's name was Quilt and you adopted it. Pixie is a derivative of the ancient name
"Xiepi", from the Left Bank of Babylonia.It is known that an ancient group traveled to Winnipeg in 1968 or so.
You are very clever to choose a name that will blend in like that!