
Material Witness will focus on extreme textile process. Images will be posted here showing the history of my work, new work, developing projects and inspiration.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Mending Socks

HJS Studio Holly Schaltz Darning Socks

I am going to have to confess depression. It has been very hard to find anything to write because this is my worst time of year. I am not a Christmas person anymore.

My friend Mary Ellen reminded me that I often go for a slump after I have pumped up for a show. This year I did two at once. I thought I was just tired from that but I haven't been feeling well for more than a month and it seems that going back to the doctor is my only option.

The thing about breast cancer is that tiredness isn't ever looked at as tiredness. It is looked at as a reason for tons of tests. I'm just not in the mood. Unfortunately sadness has elevated my pain levels and being ill has made me irritable and grumpy with everyone. I keep picking up and putting down my brushes, heat guns and needles.

I have been talking to Lyn Fabio and she is recovering from surgery and has gobs of energy. She has been working with gut and has been exploring all kinds of things. Her theory is that we need to sleep lots this time of year.

Time to pull out the heavy quilts, look for a cooperative cuddle buddy and tuck in for a snore. Maybe I'll dream something more inspiring than mending socks.


arlee said...

I wish you the best sleep and cuddle ever...take care of your body-- having such a creative mind keep a sketchbook/journal by the cuddlespot!

material witness said...

Thanks Miss Arlee,
I guess I'm just need to hibernate for a few days.
I do find, however, that cuddle buddies tend to gt a bit jumpy when I pull out the camera or the sketch pad.
I sneak into the bathroom to do that sort of thing.