
Material Witness will focus on extreme textile process. Images will be posted here showing the history of my work, new work, developing projects and inspiration.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Bliss Zone

Attended Kirsten Chursinoff's baby shower today. Hung out with Hilary's little baby Emily.
My reputation as the baby whisperer has been restored.

Kirsten looks fabulous, healthy and very full of baby boy. She requested people bring hand made or hand me downs for gifts. She also asked that we bring crafting projects and work on them in a sewing, knitting , crafting circle. Well, I rip, tear, burn, slash etc. I just didn't feel that my "crafts" would be appropriate. So I held babies while Moms socialized.

I have the plush factor on my side. Babies nuzzle into my neck, curl around my shoulder, listen to my heart and conk right out. Screamers settle, restless ones rest, super active ones whisper into my ear. This confirms that I am a good and comfy cuddle.

The result was that crafts got made all around me and my choice of lovely baby fell into the bliss zone. I semi-snoozed with babies all day and am now wide awake.

The textile community in Vancouver is going through a major baby boom.

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