
Material Witness will focus on extreme textile process. Images will be posted here showing the history of my work, new work, developing projects and inspiration.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Cold Wars

Flesh Patricia Chauncey 2000 Mixed Media Collage Cast Paper, poly plastics, heat process, stitching, hand painting and piecing. 2 feet by 3 feet
Many of us were influenced by experiences as children during the "Cold War".

I look at my imagery and realize that so much of it comes from that time in my life. I remember being a little child and sitting on my teacher's knee and crying with her. I asked her about whether or not we were going to get blown up. It was the Cuban Crisis.

I went home to a house where my mother had survival gear packed for the inevitable nuclear holocaust. We were taught as children which escape route to use to get out of town. Many people in my neighbourhood had bomb shelters and the schools ran exercises where children were timed on the route home. The air raid sirens went off and we ran,with or without shoes, home in the winter prairie. We weren't told if it was for real or not.

They only took the air raid sirens away from my elementary school within the last five years.

Children today are often obsessed with the idea of environmental disaster and it is probably the same for them. Children of Christian parents are bothered by the possibility of the Apocalypse.
It has creative influence.

My grandmother told me a story about a time near 1900 when all of the people in the town next to hers were sure that the end was coming. The "good and righteoous ones" gave up all of their belongings and waited at the top of the hill for the Lord to come and take them! The "End Time" day came and went and the "Chosen Ones" walked back to try and negotiate back their homes and belongings. She told me to be prepared but to also look forward to the future because we can't predict our own end.

Sometimes I dream about running home as fast as I can. I wait to find out if the siren was for real or not. Somehow, I always come out a survivor!

Artists influenced by the cold war.

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