
Material Witness will focus on extreme textile process. Images will be posted here showing the history of my work, new work, developing projects and inspiration.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Choking Hazard Dolls

Choking Hazard Doll Kirsten Chursinoff 2007
Choking Hazard Doll Kirsten Chursinoff 2007

It is hard to imagine the beautiful and talented embroiderer, Kirsten Chursinoff, had a dark and dangerous room in her brain containing anything as demented as "the choking hazard dolls".

I have had intimate contact with these dolls. They were in my studio at the last Eastside Culture Crawl. I shiver in horror at them after my laughter stops. They are hideous and tempting all at the same time.

Her dolls are aptly named...Lobotomy, Edward Scissor Bear, Squished. They have everything from friendly bleeding wounds to extra long "pubes". Some of them vomit, some have stitches from failed surgeries. All are completely extreme.

When Chursinoff was asked how she decided to make them she replied,"Well I had a few parts hanging around." All in a sweet and dulcet voice to go with her angel face. Not bad for a preacher's daughter.

Check out her show at button button in Vancouver until Hallowe'en and her site at


arlee said...

I was floored when Kirsten admitted secretly that these were hers :} I've never seen such a division of style and mood as she is able to do!

material witness said...

She is a naughty little devil!